What makes X the world’s most powerful brain supplement?
We’re relatively new (despite over 1000 5 star reviews and counting), and we don’t have the most famous podcaster on the planet as an investor. But we do have the absolute determination to be the best. Here’s why we believe we are.

01 — Up-to-date scientific research
For more than 3 years prior to the launch of X, we worked with neuroscientists to fully understand what the research has to say about optimizing brain performance.
Unlike nearly all other brain supplements on the market, X only uses ingredients that have benefits proven in published research performed with human—not animal—subjects. Other supplements use ingredients that have no proven human brain benefits.
For example, the top-selling brain supplement includes Cats Claw extract; the only evidence this benefits brain function is from studies of mice showing it enables them to get to the cheese at the end of a maze more quickly.
While human and mouse brains are similar in many ways, there are considerable (and obvious) differences. Not everything that has benefits for a mouse’s brain will help the human brain.
90% of leading brain supplements were formulated over a decade ago and have not changed their formulation since then.
We are now living in what many call the Golden Age of Neuroscience. We have learned more about the brain in the past 10 years than in all of human history before that.
This new wave of progress in neuroscience includes many discoveries about the ways in which natural ingredients can improve focus, attention, memory, speed of mental processing, mood and other aspects of brain function.
X is the first supplement to be built on top of the mountain of recent research in neuroscience.
Supplements in the U.S. are largely unregulated. The FDA has some basic rules about what kind of claims manufacturers can make, but—as long as there’s no reference to treating/curing/preventing any specific disease—it’s the Wild West.
So many others choose to include ingredients that have no published studies (animal or human) supporting their effectiveness.
X is the only brain supplement that provides full research citations for each ingredient (as of this writing).

02 — 17 ingredients proven to work
With X, everything is out in the open. We share the research behind every ingredient, the companies that manufacture them and the exact quantities of each one.
X is the first in a new generation of brain supplements.
Others will follow. But—as of now—we are the only one in this category.
This new generation is defined by four promises:
(1) We use only ingredients supported by published research.
(2) We do not base our formulation on animal research. (If an ingredient lacks solid support for human brain benefits, we don’t use it.)
(3) We ensure that our product delivers every available ingredient with proven benefits and no significant downside. (We omit ingredients that are potentially unsafe or have negative effects for a significant number of people—such as Lion’s Mane, PEA and caffeine. Those who want those ingredients can take them separately; all 3 combine well with X.)
(4) We pledge to update our formulation within one year of publication of new research on what ingredients are most beneficial to human brain function. No other supplement (in any category, as far as we can tell) makes a pledge like this. When we make any change to the formulation, we will notify all existing customers in four places: (i) email, (ii) our website, (iii) our Amazon listing, and (iv) a printed product insert.
It is a mystery how much of each ingredient is contained in the top-selling brain supplement.
All they disclose is the total combined quantity of ingredients.
Every one of those ingredients will have zero effect unless a certain quantity is delivered in each serving.
Hiding the specific ingredient quantities per serving in a “proprietary blend” means that it’s impossible to know whether you’re getting enough of each one to make a difference (or so much that it would cause a negative effect).
While our bottle label does list ingredients in a “performance blend”, the package insert and ingredients page of this site clearly show individual ingredient quantities per serving.
We believe you deserve to have this information.
Many supplement ingredients are available in brand and generic form, just like medications.
The brand-name versions cost significantly more, and they have a much wider range of proven benefits than their generic counterparts.
X contains 9 brand-name ingredients, all of which have been shown in clinical research to benefit brain function.
(Google any of them, you’ll see.)
As shown in this chart, most brain supplements have zero brand-name ingredients.


03 — The only one to guarantee results
This one of a kind guarantee is a reflection of how confident we are that X will give you better results than any other supplement.
The science supporting every one of our 17 active ingredients is so strong, we guarantee X will outperform any other brain supplement.
If you get better results from another (non-stimulant) brain supplement on the market in the U.S., we’ll buy you that product!
(Maximum value $75 • Limit 1 claim per household
To make a claim, email hello@xbrain.science.)
Everyone told us we were crazy to make this guarantee.
But we believe so strongly in our product that we had no hesitation.
Not only does no other brain supplement make a guarantee like this, we have yet to find a product in any category that offers to buy you a competing product if you like it more.
If the manufacturer truly believes their product is beyond comparison, it should be a no-brainer (🧠) to do this.
We only hope that others see this and follow in our path.
To experience the full benefit of X, you need to take it every day for a month.
That would mean buying two bottles, as each one is a 15-day supply.
We invite you to do this, and—if you don’t love it—send us back the empty bottles, and we’ll give you a full refund.
You can do this for a full 90 days.
Why would you not give this a try?
Either you love it—or it’s free.
01Up-to-date scientific research
For more than 3 years prior to the launch of X, we worked with neuroscientists to fully understand what the research has to say about optimizing brain performance.
Unlike nearly all other brain supplements on the market, X only uses ingredients that have benefits proven in published research performed with human—not animal—subjects. Other supplements use ingredients that have no proven human brain benefits.
For example, the top-selling brain supplement includes Cats Claw extract; the only evidence this benefits brain function is from studies of mice showing it enables them to get to the cheese at the end of a maze more quickly.
While human and mouse brains are similar in many ways, there are considerable (and obvious) differences. Not everything that has benefits for a mouse’s brain will help the human brain.
90% of leading brain supplements were formulated over a decade ago and have not changed their formulation since then.
We are now living in what many call the Golden Age of Neuroscience. We have learned more about the brain in the past 10 years than in all of human history before that.
This new wave of progress in neuroscience includes many discoveries about the ways in which natural ingredients can improve focus, attention, memory, speed of mental processing, mood and other aspects of brain function.
X is the first supplement to be built on top of the mountain of recent research in neuroscience.
Supplements in the U.S. are largely unregulated. The FDA has some basic rules about what kind of claims manufacturers can make, but—as long as there’s no reference to treating/curing/preventing any specific disease—it’s the Wild West.
So many others choose to include ingredients that have no published studies (animal or human) supporting their effectiveness.
X is the only brain supplement that provides full research citations for each ingredient (as of this writing).
0217 ingredients proven to work
With X, everything is out in the open. We share the research behind every ingredient, the companies that manufacture them and the exact quantities of each one.
X is the first in a new generation of brain supplements.
Others will follow. But—as of now—we are the only one in this category.
This new generation is defined by four promises:
(1) We use only ingredients supported by published research.
(2) We do not base our formulation on animal research. (If an ingredient lacks solid support for human brain benefits, we don’t use it.)
(3) We ensure that our product delivers every available ingredient with proven benefits and no significant downside. (We omit ingredients that are potentially unsafe or have negative effects for a significant number of people—such as Lion’s Mane, PEA and caffeine. Those who want those ingredients can take them separately; all 3 combine well with X.)
(4) We pledge to update our formulation within one year of publication of new research on what ingredients are most beneficial to human brain function. No other supplement (in any category, as far as we can tell) makes a pledge like this. When we make any change to the formulation, we will notify all existing customers in four places: (i) email, (ii) our website, (iii) our Amazon listing, and (iv) a printed product insert.
It is a mystery how much of each ingredient is contained in the top-selling brain supplement.
All they disclose is the total combined quantity of ingredients.
Every one of those ingredients will have zero effect unless a certain quantity is delivered in each serving.
Hiding the specific ingredient quantities per serving in a “proprietary blend” means that it’s impossible to know whether you’re getting enough of each one to make a difference (or so much that it would cause a negative effect).
While our bottle label does list ingredients in a “performance blend”, the package insert and ingredients page of this site clearly show individual ingredient quantities per serving.
We believe you deserve to have this information.
Many supplement ingredients are available in brand and generic form, just like medications.
The brand-name versions cost significantly more, and they have a much wider range of proven benefits than their generic counterparts.
X contains 9 brand-name ingredients, all of which have been shown in clinical research to benefit brain function.
(Google any of them, you’ll see.)
As shown in this chart, most brain supplements have zero brand-name ingredients.

03The only one to guarantee results
This one of a kind guarantee is a reflection of how confident we are that X will give you better results than any other supplement.
The science supporting every one of our 17 active ingredients is so strong, we guarantee X will outperform any other brain supplement.
If you get better results from another (non-stimulant) brain supplement on the market in the U.S., we’ll buy you that product!
(Maximum value $75 • Limit 1 claim per household
To make a claim, email hello@xbrain.science.)
Everyone told us we were crazy to make this guarantee.
But we believe so strongly in our product that we had no hesitation.
Not only does no other brain supplement make a guarantee like this, we have yet to find a product in any category that offers to buy you a competing product if you like it more.
If the manufacturer truly believes their product is beyond comparison, it should be a no-brainer (🧠) to do this.
We only hope that others see this and follow in our path.
To experience the full benefit of X, you need to take it every day for a month.
That would mean buying two bottles, as each one is a 15-day supply.
We invite you to do this, and—if you don’t love it—send us back the empty bottles, and we’ll give you a full refund.
You can do this for a full 90 days.
Why would you not give this a try?
Either you love it—or it’s free.

The elephant in the room
Joe Rogan has made Alpha Brain® the top-selling brain supplement in the world.
Of the 17 active ingredients in X, Alpha Brain® contains a generic version of 6 of them.
But they don’t disclose the amount of each ingredient per serving.
That means there’s no way to know whether you’re getting a clinically significant quantity of any ingredient.

This was our favorite
Before launching X, we took Qualia Mind®.
For many years, we considered it the best option.
It contains 2 brand-name ingredients, the most of any brain supplement besides X.
And you can see exactly how much of each ingredient you’re getting.
The elephant in the room

Joe Rogan has made Alpha Brain® the top-selling brain supplement in the world.
Of the 17 active ingredients in X, Alpha Brain® contains a generic version of 6 of them.
But they don’t disclose the amount of each ingredient per serving.
That means there’s no way to know whether you’re getting a clinically significant quantity of any ingredient.
This was our favorite

Before launching X, we took Qualia Mind®.
For many years, we considered it the best option.
It contains 2 brand-name ingredients, the most of any brain supplement besides X.
And you can see exactly how much of each ingredient you’re getting.
Brand-name ingredients matter